Accueil Forums Questions sur les bateaux Edel Questions sur l’Edel 4 Headsail size for Edel IV

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  • #5676
    Utilisateur Anonymisé


    I have a Edel IV and as headsail something that might be a genoa because it goes long over the mast. This makes it difficult to sail single-hand and I am looking for a jib (a sail that doesn’t or barely goes over the mast), any suggestion in sizes?
    Thanks in advance


    Sea You
    Lieutenant de vaisseau

    Informations you are looking for you can find them here :
    Just type : Edel 4 for indicate the model of your Vessel. ;)

    Utilisateur Anonymisé

    Thanks Pascal, but it might have been gone something wrong in my phrasing of my question. Your information is in relation to handicaps. In my question I mean single-handed as sailing alone and not as sailing with a single hand. What i am trying to find out is a good size jib for a Edel IV. A sail easier to handle when tacking. I thought to look at the used sails here in the online sites.
    Best regards

    Sea You
    Lieutenant de vaisseau

    Sorry I think you are looking for the size for the jib of Edel 4 that’s why I send you a link to the Sailing federation in France (they have a lot information about sizes)

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