Accueil Forums Questions sur les bateaux Edel Questions sur l’Edel 4 Heeling (capsizing) characteristics of Edel 4 Répondre à : Heeling (capsizing) characteristics of Edel 4


Hello Will,

Welcome here !

Don’t worry, no issue. In fact, you compare 2 different boats : the Laser Bahia is a fun and fast dinghy, just to sail a few hours in front of the sailing school or the beach in (quite) good conditions, whereas the Edel IV is a real cruise sailboat built to face more difficult conditions at sea.

Apart from sailing on an Edel IV presenting major defects on the keel, you  will sail safely on an Edel IV and do not capsize. As for all old boats, you have just to check meticulously several points before buying the boat (hull/osmosis, lifting keel system, rigging, mast…)

I’m not an expert of Edel IV but you’ll find here many people to speak about this boat.

Have a nice evening.
